
Payments for education

Easy payment options for schools and parents are essential. Our payment infrastructure is built specifically for the education sector.

Expand into new markets

Get paid anywhere. Accept payments across multiple regions, in local currencies, allowing you to grow your business in new and existing markets.

Animated GIF showing many different currencies popping up on a globe of the earth, including rands, pula, kenyan shillings, pounds and dollars
Close up of a person using Snapplify Pay to make a payment on a smartphone

It's easy for you

All you need to do is set your product’s sale price. We handle the complexities and manage all payments (including EFT) on your behalf, every day of the week.


Integrate easily

Our technology supports integration via API or WordPress plugin.


Get paid anywhere

Customers around the world can pay you in their local currency.


Pay-as-you-go pricing

Start for free and pay 5% on each transaction.

Offer multiple payment options

Secure and seamless

Millions of education users around the world trust Snapplify Pay. Provide your customers with safe payment facilities; flexible payment options and a fast payment process.

Businessman using a credit card to make an online payment on a laptop

Move money around the world

Enable customers in Nigeria to purchase your South-African-made product in Naira; accept a bank deposit in Botswana for a book published in Britain; or make mobile-money payments possible for Kenyan buyers.

With multiple currencies and payment methods, growing into new markets is easy. 

Case studies

Read more about how these businesses are making use of Snapplify Pay